Keep social time on your TO-DO list

Written by Admin | Nov 17, 2023 7:00:00 AM
By: TULA Contributor & Partner, PartyTrick

It’s no secret that getting together with loved ones is important, beneficial, and even downright necessary for our wellbeing. This became all the more apparent a few years back when socializing was no longer so accessible. Often though, life gets full, and the first thing we let go of is gathering together. It’s an easy one to remove from our calendars. But what if you reframed that, and considered your social interaction as a must? The benefits of socializing actually keep us healthy in numerous ways (more than you’d think, check out the #facts). So whether you like to think about how to throw a party at home, prefer 1:1 coffee walks, or just want to keep a regular social time on your agenda, here is all the more reason to keep that a priority in your life.

Reasons to prioritize social time

We checked out some of the science, and social interaction has been proven to impact both our physical and mental health. Talk about a multi-tasker.

Physical Health

  1. Helps fight against the common cold, especially in cold season
  2. Plays a role in balancing hormones
  3. Helps us recover more quickly after being sick
  4. Increases chances of survival after a heart attack
  5. Improves our longevity by 50%

Mental Health

  1. Supports our immune health
  2. Lowers  rates of anxiety and depression
  3. Improves self-esteem
  4. Increases empathy for others others
  5. Helps us be more trusting and cooperative with others… which causes others to be more trusting and cooperating with us. AKA healthy relationships!

Ways to easily add in more social interaction

We get it—you’re busy. Your life is full. Calendar is packed, whether you use a digital or paper planner…or none at all. In the spirit of good health, here are some of our favorite ways to incorporate social time into your regular day-to-day.

1. Coffee shop co-working

Or forget the work, take a break.

2. Workout buddy

Take a class or just hit the gym together. Accountability >

3. Get outside

Go for a walk. Even 15 minutes with a neighbor or coworker with some fresh air is so beneficial.

4. Cook together

Try a new recipe or meal kit delivery like HelloFresh. Cooking is more fun with a sous chef (we’ll let you pick your titles here).

5. Monthly gathering (or weekly)

  • Call it Book Club, Supper Club, Social Health is a Must Club…we all have time to get one night a month on our calendars. Gather up 3-10 friends, and make it happen.
  • If you’d like a theme for this, you can always try out our Game Night, Taco Tuesday, or  Movie Night parties.

Two birds (or five…), one stone, when you mash social time and something you love together. Good for you, good for your to-do list, good for each other. We wish you the best in your social endeavors.

If you need or want help in creating the perfect social gathering PartyTrick provides hosts with tools to make elevating gatherings easier, including party concepts, styled and shoppable decor, customized guidelines, with timelines and checklists curated by the pros.

Pro-Tip: We know gatherings can often add more stress and to-do's to your plate. Let TULA swoop in to help execute on those plans, run errands, create delicious chef curated menus, help plan, gift, decorate, and more, so all you have to do is show up. :)