Morning Productivity Hacks

Written by Admin | Nov 17, 2023 7:00:00 AM

By: Megan Trask, CEO + Co-Founder of TULA

Morning Productivity Hacks

Here are a few morning productivity hacks from around the interwebs and from my own personal list as well. There's no perfect routine but having some type of routine can really set the stage for a productive day and who doesn't love to have a productive day?!

  • Get consistent sleep… okay so that’s not technically a morning habit, but it will certainly help you start the day with more energy.
  • Don't hit snooze! Better yet, try not to wake up with an alarm. A natural wake up is the way to go for a less jarring start to the day.
  • Give yourself a minute to ease out of bed. Mediate for a couple of minutes. Do some breathing exercises. Enjoy some big stretches. Let your body meet the day calmly and not in a rush.
  • Make your bed, you know, like your Mom always nagged you to do as a kid? It turns out it's a great habit to get into as an adult and one of the morning rituals some of the most successful people swear by.
  • Start the day with gratitude… journal about what you're grateful for and then reflect on those things throughout the day.
  • Journaling in general is a great thing to incorporate into your morning routine. Set intentions and goals for the day or write about the good from the day before to springboard you into even more good. 
  • Get moving! Movement and a quick sweat are sure ways to boost your energy for the day! 
  • Drink water. Starting the day hydrated also kick starts your energy level for the day. 
  • Don’t start the day on your phone or computer. Let your mind ease into the day before moving to a screen.
  • Be intentional about the order of your day. Write out your to-do list…we LOVE a good to-do list at TULA!

Whatever your rituals are, commit to them, make them habits, make them second nature and start your day off right, every day!