Work Life Balance is Not a Buzzword

Written by Admin | Nov 17, 2023 7:00:00 AM

The Future of Families + The  Future of Work Go Hand in Hand

By: Megan Trask, Co-Founder & CEO of TULA 

A huge part of the “why” for TULA is supporting families and working parents. We get the balancing act as well as anyone because the struggle to find balance was our every day, well actually, it can still be a challenge, thank goodness for TULA!  

We were, and are, incredibly focused on serving and supporting our clients so they can find more time in their days but we’ve learned that it’s not just about supporting our clients day to day, it’s about digging into the root cause of the struggle, and solving for that. And for so many of our clients, and so many people in the world, it’s the balancing act of working and then coming home to start the “second shift”. You know, all the things that need to be done at home, the things on your very long to-do list outside of work, the things you tend to dread doing (laundry, meal prep, yard work, etc). 

While we are absolutely on fire for our mission to help shift the second shift by taking on those tasks and giving our clients more time back in their days, we have realized that it’s important that we look at this more holistically, and that means supporting employers as well. Employers must become allies to their employees, they must support and foster work life balance, not just talk about it. Time and flexibility to do both well is critical but at the end of the day there are often just too many demands on our time leading to burnout, frustration and potential resignation. Providing tools and solutions to proactively prevent and manage demands on time are a win-win for employers and employees.

Here are some stats to drive this point home: 

  • 49% of employees who quit in 2022 left due to lack of healthy work-life boundaries. (Forbes
  • 42% of employees who quit in 2022 were seeking better benefits. (Forbes)
  • 60% of working parents have suffered burnout at some point from the pressures of balancing work and family responsibilities. (HR Dive)
  • 51% of employers say health and wellness benefits will have a bigger impact on enhancing employee loyalty and retaining talent in the next 3–5 years. (Netsuite)

Numbers like these are hard to ignore and employers are hearing loud and clear that employee priorities are shifting. It’s an unbelievably pivotal time for companies to change the way we work, for the better. And we’re here for it! We are thrilled to have a seat at the table, to lead the conversation, and provide solutions for clients, families, and employers alike.