Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is TULA a virtual service or in-person?
A: Great question, we are BOTH! If you have a research based/virtual assistant request, we are here for you, no matter where you are! If you need an assistant to run errands or help in your home, we have in-person teams in Denver, Boulder, Aspen, Austin, TX, Raleigh/Durham, NC, Richmond, VA, Scottsdale, AZ and Billings, MT! We have big plans for TULA and are planning to expand into more markets as soon as we can. We'd love to know where you want to see TULA next. Request TULA where you are, HERE.
Q: Can I book a TULA assistant for a set block of time or recurring appointment?
A: You can certainly book a recurring day and service! Not sure what that would be? We suggest TULA Time to take care of some of the weekly basics like laundry, errands, tidy up, grocery run, etc. We try our best to provide the same assistant but we can't guarantee it, what we can guarantee is that as a TULA member, you get the best-of-the-best team, always!
Q: How quickly can you complete my TO-DO?
A: We do our best to complete every request as soon as we possibly can! We ask for at least 24 hours notice but we understand life happens! Just reach out and we'll do our best to work with you, though there may be a fee associated with expedited requests. Last minute (same day) requests subject to a $50 rush fee.
Q: How do you charge for each request?
A: We keep it simple! We charge you for the actual time spent to complete a request rounded to the nearest quarter hour. We are always happy to work with you if you have a time budget in mind, just let us know in your request and we'll make the most of your budgeted time! We do have minimums for research based requests and errands... keep reading!
Q: Is there a minimum amount of time billed for a TO-DO?
A: Yes, in order to staff appropriately and ensure we have you covered you will be billed a minimum of 30 minutes for a research-based TO-DO and 1 hour for an errand-based TO-DO. If we can make more than 1 stop in that hour, we will!
Q: Do my hours roll over each month?
A: If you are a subscriber the answer is, unfortunately, no, as we are like a gym in that sense. However, subscriptions offer a lower hourly rate. If you'd rather not subscribe, you can purchase a la carte hours and those hours never expire. Want the best of both worlds... we offer package pricing so you can take advantage of our lowest hourly rate AND ensure your hours don't expire. Package pricing requires a minimum purchase of 10 hours @ $50/hour or 24 hours @ $40/hour.
Q: Wait, I can have chef prepped meals every week, tell me more...
A: We have an amazing team of chefs who love planning and preparing meals for our clients. Our chefs submit a menu to suit your preference and restrictions a week ahead of your service date, you make your selections, they grab your groceries, bring them to your home and prep 2-3 entrees and 2-3 sides and you are set for the week! Your TULA hours cover their time and we bill you for the groceries. It's that easy! **we are currently on a waitlist for meal prep in Denver, Boulder + Austin**
Q: What if I need TULA to purchase something on my behalf?
A: We do purchase items on behalf of our clients but in order for us to offer this as part of our service you must have a credit card on file. We'll discuss needs, budget, and estimated costs and then place a hold on your card prior to purchasing anything. Once we have final receipts, we'll submit those receipts to you, and process the final payment + a 3.4% credit card processing fee. Your card will automatically be charged for any charges over $100.
Q: Can TULA be offered as an employee benefit?
A: YES! We fully understand the challenges of work life balance and partner with companies to offer TULA to their employees as a benefit, saving employees time, promoting work life balance, and helping companies attract and retain amazing talent, like you! If TULA would be a good fit for your company please reach out to and we can get started!
TULA also makes great corporate gifts - holiday gifts that people will actually use, because who wouldn't appreciate the gift of time, yes please! Meals dropped for a sick team member, a new parent, someone navigating a move, etc, TULA makes a great gift!
TULA also makes great corporate gifts - holiday gifts that people will actually use, because who wouldn't appreciate the gift of time, yes please! Meals dropped for a sick team member, a new parent, someone navigating a move, etc, TULA makes a great gift!
Q: How do you vet your assistants and partners?
A: We know that earning your trust is paramount to the success of TULA and we take vetting our assistants and community partners very seriously so that you can always count on a TULA connection. We background check all potential assistants, vet their responses to challenging situations, and provide thorough onboarding and support for all assistants. Check out our assistant & partner vetting processes HERE.
Q: I didn’t see childcare on your service menu, can you help me find a sitter for my kids or better yet, drive them to soccer?
A: While we would love to do ALL the things, as moms we know nothing is more important than our sweet babes. For liability purposes, and to take some pressure off of our hard-working assistants, we do NOT babysit or drive kiddos as part of our TULA service offerings. However, we CAN help connect you to other trusted sitters or vetted nanny services!
Q: What don’t you do?
A: We like to say we can do most anything, but there are instances where we can make the most of your time and resources by outsourcing other service providers in order to maximize efficiency and cost effectiveness (housecleaning, more complicated handyman requests, and lawn service, etc) and we do reserve the right to decline a task that could potentially compromise the safety of our assistants OR our clients, and we obviously steer clear of anything illegal!
Q: Do I need to tip my assistant?
A: Our assistants do not expect any compensation beyond what they are paid by TULA. If your TULA assistant goes above and beyond you are most certainly welcome to tip, but it is totally up to you!
Q: Do TULA's prices vary by market?
A: Fair question! We would love to keep our pricing the same everywhere however there are markets that require higher pricing so we can continue to pay our team a fair wage.
Q: What hours are TULA assistants available?
A: While we would love a M-F/8-5 kind of world, we understand life happens outside of those hours! We will work with you and your schedule to accomplish your requests (even on the weekends). That being said, any requests received after 5 pm on Friday will be added to our queue and sent out Monday morning.
Q: Can I save my TO-DOs for later?
A: Yes! Feel free to create TO-DOs and save them for later. When you're ready, just 'Send to TULA'!
Q: My assistant, or chef, is the actual best, I’d like to have her/him work for me full-time, is that possible?
A: Absolutely! We take that as a huge compliment and always want what is in the best interest of our clients and assistants. However, we do require a $1,500 placement fee.
Q: I need a real-life, full-time, assistant at work/home, do you help source and place?
A: We sure do! We are always on the lookout for amazing assistant talent and know that finding it can be a challenge. If you'd like us to take that on for you, we definitely can. From job posting, initial vetting, to interview scheduling, even the actual interviews... we have you covered! However, as this can take a fair amount of leg work, we do require a placement fee of $3,000. EMAIL us to set up a consultation to see how we can help you find just the right fit for your needs.
Q: Do you store my credit card information on TULA’s website?
A: Great question, and the answer is NO! We bill for our services through a third party called Stripe. You’ll see charges from TULA via Stripe, and your credit card information is stored with Stripe. You can check out our privacy policy HERE.
Q: How do I cancel or pause my membership?
A: While we would be bummed to see you go, we understand that life happens, too! You may cancel your membership with 30 days notice and your service will be terminated at the end of your next billing cycle, just like a gym. We are also happy to offer a one time pause and will hold a spot in our TULA community for you for up to 3 months if you just need a little flexibility. EMAIL us to discuss.
Q: What happens if I can't make my appointment and I forgot to tell my assistant?
A: We totally understand this can happen and we want to be flexible but we also want to be respectful of our assistants time so we will deduct one hour as a "no-show" fee.